I am a qualified sufferer of a rare genetic disorder, Ehlors-Danlos Syndrome...
I am a qualified endurer of 2 blood mutations that cause frequent near-fatal DVT's...
I am a qualified receiver of 25 MAJOR surgeries and counting...
I am a qualified user of a plethora of LEGALLY prescribed prescription medications...
I am a qualified experiencer of the horrific side effects of many of these prescription medications...
I am a qualified imparter of these experiences so that others may utilize these experiences to make more informed decisions as patients...
I am NOT a qualified nor trained health care professional.
I am NOT a doctor, physician's assistant, nurse practitioner, nurse, paramedic, etc.
This blog is based SOLELY on my own personal experiences and should NOT be used in place of a qualified health care professioal's prescription, advice, instructions, etc.
With all of that out of the way,
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